
The Value of Communication

Employees and their families get the greatest value from their benefit plans when they know what they offer and understand how to gain the most from them.

With a post-secondary education in journalism and as an employee benefits consultant since 2005, I understand that communication is often outside the expertise and functions of human resources and payroll specialists. In fact, it's the reason that communication and education are core components of my role at Belay Advisory. Read More

End the Copy and Paste trap

  • Lisa Robson Senior Consultant Employee Retirement Plans

It sounds cliché to say that every client is unique. It's unfair to say that they're not. I've delivered employee retirement solutions since 1995. I count myself lucky to interact with people from diverse industries, cultures, employee groups, and experiences. Read More

Built on Trust

You've read it a thousand times in a thousand places - Advice you can trust. But where's the evidence? At Belay Advisory, we focus on relationships. We believe trust develops between people, and that trust relationships are essential to business solutions. Read More